The Change Workshop

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Loving Chaos

What a week! In my teaching, I espouse a belief in chaos theory - that chaos finds its own order and this week I learned so much about how to live that belief. As Ken Roberts says in "A Rich Man's Secret," all we need to do is take the next step, the one after that will be revealed. Living in chaos requires us to take each moment as it happens not getting mired in thinking we can make sense of it. Sounds difficult, doesn't it? Yet many spiritual teachers tell us that living that way is effortless. Our egos are just not willing to let go so that we can do it.

This week it seemed there was a crisis each day. However, I became aware that I was starting to judge what was happening, trying to extrapolate meaning from it. Then - I remembered to be in the moment. Once I stepped back (in my mind) I took a good look at what was happening right then - that moment only! What looked like chaos was actually a blessing in disguise - opportunity for learning was everywhere! It was as if I was seeing with new eyes.

Learning how to ride the whirlwind, instead of trying to control it, is the focus of The Change Workshop. In the Workshop we learn to use tools that keep us present to our true selves so that we can fully experience life. In the movie, "Joe vs. The Volcano," Tom Hanks, as Joe, is told by Patricia Graynamoore (Meg Ryan) that her father Samuel Harvey Graynamore (Lloyd Bridges) believes ". . . almost the whole world's asleep. Everybody you know, everybody you see, everybody you talk to. He says only a few people are awake. And they live in a state of constant, total amazement." Can you imagine living that way? It is possible - and it's wonderful!


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